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Matchmaking alpha

Shulker Matchmaking is an addon for Shulker providing queuing capabilities to your MinecraftServerFleets. Players will be able to join matchmaking queues.

This addon makes use of Open Match, a match making system created by Google meant to be scalable and deeply configurable.

It will allow you to define MatchmakingQueues that associate a MinecraftServerFleet with a matchmaking function (an algorithm that groups queued players to form matches). While you'll be able to create your own match making algorithms to fit your needs, the addon provides basic algorithm sufficient for most use-cases:

  • A Batch algorithm, to group players as they go, without distinction. This makes easy for you to create a queue and provision servers when they are needed
  • A Elo algorithm, which will group players depending on a global score that you'll have to define and implement


The Elo algorithm is planned but is not available for now.

While manipulating Open Match directly to handle the queues is possible, Shulker Matchmaking makes it really easy by providing an SDK to be used in your plugins. After installing and scaling Open Match depending on your needs, you should forget about it.


This documentation will make use of the terms used by Open Match, it is advised for you to read the Open Match's documentation prior to the use of this addon:


Shulker Matchmaking requires Open Match to be installed on your Kubernetes cluster. You may need to tune its configuration to fit your needs, especially if you require high-availabiilty of your matchmaking system.

The addon can be enabled using the Helm chart, by toggling the enabled flag in the values.yaml file:

  enabled: true

This will create two deployments:

  • One named director that will read your MatchmakingQueues, poll Open Match for queued players at a fixed interval and finally will create and assign the servers
  • One named mmf (for Match Making Function) that exposes the built-in algorithms for you to use out-of-the-box


While the first one cannot be scaled for now (this is a limitation that could be removed later on after a stabilization period), the mmf deployment can and should as it will be highly sollicitated if you have a large number of MatchmakingQueues. This is done by manipulating the Helm values.


Creating a MatchmakingQueue

A MatchmakingQueue is a Kubernetes resource describing the shape of the matches to create. It associates a MinecraftServerFleet and a matchmaking function. It also specifies the size boundaries of the matches to create:

kind: MatchmakingQueue
  name: free-for-all
    name: free-for-all
      type: Batch
  minPlayers: 8
  maxPlayers: 12

The previous manifests describes a MatchmakingQueue that:

  • targets a MinecraftServerFleet named free-for-all
  • groups the players using the built-in Batch algorithm
  • creates matches of 12 players at most
  • allows creation of partial matches for at least 8 players


The minPlayers field is optional and can be ommited. When defined, the built-in matchmaking functions will allow the creation of partial matches, using the backfills machanism of Open Match (see Open Match's documentation for more information).

Otherwise, a full match will only be created when there are at lease maxPlayers players in the queue.

Creating in-game tickets



Available built-in matchmaking functions

BatchGroups the players as they go, without any discriminator
EloGroups the players depending on an integer score and their waiting time in the queue

Using a custom matchmaking function

You can create your own matchmaking function by exposing a gRPC server compliant with Open Match's specification. After deploying it in your Kubernetes cluster, you can refer to it in your MatchmakingQueue:

kind: MatchmakingQueue
  name: free-for-all
    name: free-for-all
      host: my-mmf // [!code focus]
      port: 9876 // [!code focus]

Released under the AGPL License.